
Transform your appearance with liposuction!

Liposuction is the perfect solution for an ideal body transformation.
The purpose of this procedure is to remove a mass of fat from certain parts of the body such as the stomach, knees, or buttocks.
This volume of fat removed is presented in the volume, it makes it possible to correct, and reshape. As a result, Royal medicine

can help you transform your body with the most advanced technologies, the best
hospitals, the best surgeons.

What is liposuction?

can help you transform your body with the most advanced technologies, the best Liposuction, Liposuction is a surgical procedure that attempts to provide a solution to excess fat accumulated in the arms, legs, neck or abdomen.
However, the aim of liposuction is to reshape your body by suctioning excess fat Thus, weight loss will be limited, as the goal is to sculpt the body
so, it does help you have a more beautiful and attractive body.

Recovery period takes time and patience after liposuction.
However, strenuous activities should be avoided for a month. The recovery period for liposuction can vary depending on how much fat surgeons need to remove from your body.

How long does liposuction last?

Liposuction, like any other surgery, has a duration that would be related to the quality of the surgery and the postoperative behavior of the patient.
Besides the intervention, the duration of liposuction depends on a lifestyle.
So, it varies from patient to patient.
All that can maintain lasting liposuction is a healthy, balanced diet and exercise routine. In short, if the patient keeps his body healthy
through proper diet and regular physical activity, liposuction can last up to 20 years.

Side effects of Liposuction

Liposuction is not exempt from other surgical procedures; this implies that it also has side effects. On the other hand, these side effects can be minimal if during the consultation the patient informs the surgeon of this medical history and these allergies, so that he can scrupulously follow the advice of the surgeons to reduce the side effects as much as possible. Some of the side effects include.
Mild pain compared to other plastic surgeries, but it disappears with time and following the instructions.

Swelling or edema that recedes with plenty of fluids and correct instructions

What do you need to know before the operation?

Stopping all blood thinners like aspirin one week before the operation and one week after inform your doctor what kind of medicine you are taking.
Increase fluids as much as possible!
inform your doctor about all diseases, especially blood and anemia of all kinds!

Liposuction, or simply lipo, is a type of fat-removal procedure used in plastic surgery.
Evidence does not support an effect on weight beyond a couple of months and does not appear to affect obesity-related problems.
In the United States, liposuction is the most common cosmetic surgery.


Liposuction, liposuction, liposculpture, or liposuction is one of the plastic surgeries that aims to remove unwanted fat accumulations from the human body with the aim of changing its shape in general, and so far there is no scientific evidence proving the effect of this process On weight, as the effect only lasts for a few months, and this process also does not affect the related problems

The most important thing is not to suction a large amount of fat in one operation to avoid any shock or reaction from the body .

It must be within the medical standards and vary slightly from hospital to another.

In the beginning, the surgeon makes sure that the person agrees with the type of anesthesia required and agrees with the techniques and tools used, then he asks the person to take general health tests to verify his suitability for the surgery, and he may ask the person to follow some instructions in the weeks preceding the operation, such as: avoiding over the counter medicines For inflammation, stop taking the pill, quit smoking and more.

The surgeon determines the area to be treated with a pen, and the process takes between 1-3 hours and is performed under general anesthesia, then the surgeon begins preparing the area to be sucked from, and the surgeon may break up the fat cells in the area by means of high-frequency vibrations or a weak laser pulse, and then The surgeon begins by creating a cut in the skin of the area, then he inserts a sucking instrument where it loosens and sucks the fat, and after completion, excess fluid or blood may come out from the area, which is withdrawn by small tubes

The procedure may be performed under general, regional, or local anesthesia.
It involves using a cannula and negative pressure to suck out fat.
As a cosmetic procedure it is believed to work best on people with a normal weight and good skin elasticity.

While the suctioned fat cells are permanently gone, after a few months overall body fat generally returns to the same level as before treatment. This is despite maintaining the previous diet and exercise regimen.
While the fat returns somewhat to the treated area, most of the increased fat occurs in the abdominal area. Visceral fat — the fat surrounding the internal organs — increases, and this condition has been linked to life-shortening diseases such as diabetes, stroke, and heart attack.

There are many techniques for liposuction, but the most advanced is the quad vaser 4D with quad ultrasound
Without any harm to living tissues or leaving post-scientific traces


The patient needs 10 nights for surgery and 6 nights for liposuction

Techniques by history

  • Suction-assisted liposuction (SAL)
  • Micro-Cannula
  • Lymph-Sparing Liposuction
  • Tumescent Local Anesthesia (TLA) / Tumescent Liposuction
  • Power-assisted liposuction (PALWater-Jet Assisted Liposuction (WAL))
  • Fibro-Lympho-Lipo-Aspiration (FLLA)
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction/lipolysis (LAL)
  • Cryolipolyis or Fat freezing
  • AfterCare – Sutures
  • The suction process is considered safe in general, but some instructions are required before and after the addition of the important analyzes to be subjected to and attention to its values before the operation in general.
  1. Cumulative glucose above 7 2. HBA1C not acceptable
  2. Unstable HYPERTENSION pressure must be pay attention
  3. Anemia under 10 not approved
  4. Hepatitis
  5. Heart disease multiple sclerosis
  6. Fluid retention
  • Ritan medicine must be stopped a month before the operation .
  • Contraception .
  • Rapid cortisone .
  • Instructions tips after the operation .
  • You should be able to do your usual activities 48 hours after surgery.
  • You cannot do strenuous exercise, or make any effort that may affect the wound
  • Make sure to exercise to maintain the results of the operation, but after six weeks of liposuction, so that the body does not regain the weight it lost after liposuction.
  • Adherence to wearing compression garments and using the medicines and creams prescribed by the doctor, which are provided in the hospital after the operation.
  • Proper diet
  • Drink plenty of water .
  • Instructions after the operation in themselves and strict adherence to them are among the most important criteria for the success of the operation, and any instructions are the second goal after the operation to avoid many symptoms.

Such as

  • the pain
  • Edema
  • Fat redistribution
  • Hemoglobin
  • Heal wounds quickly
  • Delicate diet
  • Skin adhesions
  • Exercise and the time required for both light and heavy sports and the types of exercises required

There are some operations that are related or related to liposuction
We’ll talk about it later

Liposuction and injection
Butt injection
Liposuction and tightening

Why Should You Choose Turkey?

  • Turkey is a highly reputable destination for medical procedures, particularly in Liposuction, due to its.
  • Affordable prices (Ranging between $2050 – $5000, including additional charges.)
  • Doctors are highly skilled and in demand for their experience and understanding of patient needs, catering to diverse patients worldwide.
  • High-quality medical care and advanced technology in clinics and hospitals.
  • Vacation destination with excellent healthcare and various historical and natural attractions for visitors to enjoy.
  • high quality with the fixed right and reasonable pricing

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