Vaginal operations

The vagina is exposed during the life of a woman to many factors, especially married women, so there must be a solution and repair for the labia majora, the labia minora, and the rest of the vagina in general.
There is more than one technique women desire, but one of the most common is vaginal rejuvenation
The technique is to tighten the flabby skin from the outside and tighten the labia with the inner labia muscles And sometimes we have to patch, especially in older women or who have given birth a lot is a procedure that aims to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging.
Some surgeons claim it can even improve sensitivity a claim the american College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has strongly challenged.

Reconstructive Surgery vs. Cosmetic Surgery

In order to decide if you should consider vaginoplasty or labiaplasty, it’s important to understand the difference between reconstructive surgery and cosmetic

Reconstructive surgery improves the function of a body part, while cosmetic surgery changes the aesthetics of essentially normal anatomy. You can think of it like a nose job: a surgeon can restructure the interior nasal cavities to help you breathe better or reshape the nose, just for the sake of appearances.

This difference is very important

Because the patient must know exactly what the surgeon will do, medically and formally And this is the right of the patient
Medically, there is no objection to the operation as long as the health condition is good

  • Can you moisturize your labia?

Vaginal and vulvar moisturizers can be used at any time, not just before or during sexual activity.
You should use vaginal and vulvar moisturizers several times a week for overall vaginal health and comfort.
Over-the-counter vaginal and vulvar moisturizers are nonhormonal.

  • Will I lose feeling if I have a labiaplasty?

The absence of sensation loss from reducing large or redundant labia minora should not be misconstrued to mean that there is no risk to sensation or orgasmic function in labiaplasty procedures

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